Workshop: The Art of Literary Translation as Transnational Knowledge Transfer

When: 08.11.2019 11.00-13.00Uhr

Where: VHS Studienhaus

The art of translation is often underestimated - not only do translations open windows to the world and give us access to other times and cultures, they also, amongst other things, enable us to acquire knowledge and exchange what the Francophone and French poet and author Aimé Cesaire calls "oxygen for civilization". With historical texts, the question of sources and authenticity is often raised, but even with clear authorship, the translator is obliged to be creative in order to transfer the text into the present time or other social contexts. Literary, translation must meet the particularly complex requirements of content-related mediation and linguistic-aesthetics. Literature requires a "cultural translation" which makes something unknown tangible and comprehensible and at the same time hits the "soul" of the original. Since cultural and linguistic meanings are rarely unambiguous but dynamic, new accents always flow into the translation. Translation thus plays a central political role in the transnational transfer of knowledge. For this reason, the Cameroonian philosopher, Achille Mbembe sees "the necessity to seize polyphony and translation as a possibility not to continue the symmetries of knowledge and power that currently divide global mankind".

Mit/ with/ acev:
• Paul F. Bandia, (CM/ CA)
• Ebissé Wakjira-Rouw (ET/ NL)
• Dr. Wangui wa Goro (KE/ CI)
• Gunther Geltinger (DE)

Moderation: Maria Hummitzsch (DE)

The workshop will be held in english.
Jutta Himmelreich translates English <-> German
Aurélie Thépaut translates whispering English <-> French

Visitors* who need whispered interpreting, please let us know on admission.

Here you can find the program for printing: programm.-veranstaltungen_compressed.pdf

Here you get your tickets


